During San Diego Comic Con, DC revealed that the upcoming Flash solo film would be called Flashpoint. This sent many fans into a frenzy with all the possibilities that come with a Flashpoint storyline.

Although Flash’s solo film is still a few years away, it’s already being reported by Forbes that Gal Gadot is set to reprise her role as Diana Prince a.k.a Wonder Woman in The Flash: Flashpoint.  For any of us geeks who’ve read the DC Comics event, Flashpoint, you will not be surprised by Wonder Woman’s inclusion in the film.

Wonder Woman plays an integral role in the comic book. So, it’s a no brainer that if the film version echoes the comic book version in any way, we will be seeing seeing Gadot reprise her role as Diana. However, it will be a very different version of the Amazonian Princess then we are used to.

The Flashpoint version of Diana is unyielding and often times brutal as she fights for New Themyscira. Wonder Woman’s wrath would most definitely be felt by any and all who cross her or get in her way. Just ask Mera.

Flashpoint Version of Wonder Woman (Courtesy of DC Comics)

If the Wonder Woman does return in Flashpoint, Gadot would join her Justice League co-star, Ezra Miller who would be reprising his role as Barry Allen in the film and possibly some other heroes, including Aquaman.

Flashpoint currently doesn’t have a director, but some names in the fold for the project have been Robert Zemeckis and duo Lord and Miller.

Do you want to see Wonder Woman appear in The Flash: Flashpoint? Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

The Flash: Flashpoint is slated for a 2020 release. But you’ll be able to catch the Flash and Wonder Woman sooner in Justice League when it hits theaters on November 17, 2017.

Source: Forbes

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