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Watch Ra’s Al Ghul’s ‘Gotham’ Debut Here!

Only 3 more days until the finale of Fox’s 3rd season of Gotham premiers and fans are in for an early treat! Ra’s Al Ghul makes his debut appearance on Gothan this Monday but why wait until then to see him? In the video from Fox, we see the one of the most notorious Batman villains talking to young Bruce in what appears to be the Lazurus Pit.

We also get to see Ra’s Al Ghul actor, Alexander Siddig (Game of Thrones), talk about what he’s bringing to the character and how he hopes his presence affects Bruce Wayne. Its been a crazy ride for young Batman and its exciting to see just how crazier it gets! I’m sure with Ra’s Al Ghul involved, we’re only scratching the surface. This all comes after a few short days of Harley Quinn’s confirmation for season 4 of Gotham, its lit!

Check out the featurette below!

Gotham‘s season 3 finale premieres Monday, the 5th on Fox!

Source: YouTube

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