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‘The Walking Dead’ Actor Cooper Andrews Cast in ‘SHAZAM’

DC Comics is hard at work building a reputable film universe. Justice League was just released last month and with that, audiences are ready for what’s next on the film roster. Those upcoming films include a Wonder Woman 2, a solo The Flash film and most recently making headlines; Shazam!

The film has been making headlines with casting announcements that include Zachary Levi as the title character. Now Deadline is reporting that actor Cooper Andrews has been added to the cast.

You may recognize Andrews from his recurring role on popular show The Walking Dead. Now Andrews will be making the jump from the small screen to the big screen in the superhero film. Reports say that he will be playing the foster parent of Billy Batson played by child actor Asher Angel.

What do you think of this casting news? Is Andrews right for the part? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

SOURCE: Deadline

Shazam! has an expected release date of April 5, 2019.

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